21Seeds HOLIDAY TEQUILA SPRITZ cocktail on a windowsill

Holiday Tequila Spritz

Try our better-for-you take on a refreshing, bubbly Holiday Spritz! With 21Seeds tequila, our spritz is gluten-free, keto friendly, and infused with all natural real fruits- plus it clocks in at HALF the calories as a glass of wine! Who needs Champagne

Try our better-for-you take on a refreshing, bubbly Holiday Spritz! With 21Seeds tequila, our spritz is gluten-free, keto friendly, and infused with all natural real fruits- plus it clocks in at HALF the calories as a glass of wine! Who needs Champagne anyway! But don’t just take our word, take it from the queen tequila lover herself: Oprah says “it’s delicious, you’re welcome, America!”

21seeds founders Kat, Nicole, and Sarika sitting at a table surrounded by various fruits

21Seeds is an award-winning tequila infused with the juice of real fruit founded by 2 sisters and 1 girlfriend who were looking to make a flavored tequila that was as approachable as a glass of wine. They partnered with the most celebrated female-owned distillery in Jalisco, Mexico, to develop an ultra-smooth Blanco, infused with the ripest and juiciest fruits, resulting in an easy to use, perfectly balanced infused tequila.

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