A Paloma Tea Party cocktail in a tea cup and garnished with grapefruit slice next to a bottle of 21SEEDS Grapefruit Hibiscus infused tequila.

This summer, It’s all about the soireé

Summers are traditionally the time for barbeques, pool parties, and beach-bumming. Shorts and flip flops are the summer uniform, and popsicles are practically a food group. Summer is a time to let loose and stay cool, and summer celebrations tend to reflect that mentality.

Summer is also a wonderful time to take advantage of warm weather and host a cute, chic garden party–or, as we like to call it, a Seeds Summer Soireé! Whether you’re having your girl tribe over or celebrating an occasion, a garden party is an opportunity to put on a cute summer outfit and trendy it up.

Of course, no garden party would be complete without a tasty cocktail. Mixing up a signature drink for your party is an easy way to make the event feel more special, and 21Seeds Infused Tequila is the perfect starting point for a simple, fresh cocktail that will leave your guests feeling extra festive!

Want to make your party even more signature? Try one of our Seeds Squad’s favorite party extras: instead of a classic charcuterie board, impress your guests with a garnish board and let them mix up their own signature creations!

Once you’ve decided on your drink offerings, pair those tasty cocktails with a light, seasonal food menu. On hot days, lean towards cool offerings like a fruit and veggie tray, a sweet and savory salad, chilled gazpacho or cucumber soup, or mini lobster rolls.

Add in some bright flowers and an upbeat playlist, and your guests will rave about your party for the rest of the summer!

A Paloma Tea Party cocktail in a tea cup and garnished with grapefruit slice next to a bottle of 21SEEDS Grapefruit Hibiscus infused tequila.

Paloma Tea Party

If you follow our blog, you’ve definitely heard us rave about our Seed Paloma. We can’t think of a better summer treat: our paloma is light, fruity, tangy, and deceptively complex thanks to 21Seeds Grapefruit Hibiscus Infused Tequila. For a garden party, take the paloma to the next level by serving it tea party-style–in a teapot! The cuteness factor is high, and how fun is it to sip your cocktail from a teacup?? It’s totally on brand for a garden party.

If you want to really up your game, we’ll share another Seeds Squad favorite: “flower ice.” Elevate your ice cubes by adding edible flowers before freezing them, or for the perfect paloma pairing, thin slices of grapefruit.


  • 6 oz 21SEEDS Grapefruit Hibiscus infused tequila

  • 2 oz simple syrup

  • 2 oz lime juice

  • 6 oz grapefruit juice

  • Grapefruit slices (for flower ice)

  1. Use grapefruit slices to make flower ice - add water and freeze!

  2. Add cocktail ingredients to a teapot with regular ice and mix

  3. Pour into individual tea cups with flower ice and enjoy!

there is a glass of orange juice and a bottle of gin

Hamptons Cooler

Yes, this drink is named for THOSE Hamptons, but you don’t have to be anywhere close to Long Island to enjoy this chic concoction! Just like the name, this cocktail is giving serious cool thanks to its unique ingredients like spiced orange ginger ale and watermelon juice. Mixed with 21Seeds Jalapeno Infused Tequila and Italian bitters, our Seeds Hamptons Cooler is unlike anything most of your guests will have tried before, and they won’t forget it.

Another Seeds Squad tip: you can find spiced orange ginger ale (it may also be called “ginger beer”) in most liquor stores as well as most larger grocery retailers. Watermelon juice should also be readily available at the supermarket.

  • 1.5 oz 21SEEDS Cucumber Jalapeño infused tequila

  • .75 oz Italian bitter apéritif

  • 3 oz watermelon juice

  • 1 oz lime juice

  • 1.5 oz


    Spiced Orange Ginger Ale

  • Watermelon slice and mint to garnish

  1. In a cocktail shaker, combine all the ingredients except for the soda and shake well over ice

  2. Pour over ice and top with ginger beer and stir

  3. Garnish with a watermelon slice and a mint sprig

there is a bottle of gin and a glass of cucumber

Spicy Seed Margarita

Let’s be real, it’s hard to go wrong with a margarita–especially when it’s a margarita made with 21Seeds Infused Tequila. The Seeds Squad especially loves our spicy version, featuring our jalapeno infused tequila. The Seeds Spicy Margarita, of course, has both ice AND spice, making it a fantastic choice for an outdoor summer party. If you want to continue the theme in your food, mix up a cold Mexican street corn salad and serve it with chilled salsa and guac.




  1. Simply pour on ice and serve!

July 26, 2023
    21seeds founders Kat, Nicole, and Sarika sitting at a table surrounded by various fruits

    21Seeds is an award-winning tequila infused with the juice of real fruit founded by 2 sisters and 1 girlfriend who were looking to make a flavored tequila that was as approachable as a glass of wine. They partnered with the most celebrated female-owned distillery in Jalisco, Mexico, to develop an ultra-smooth Blanco, infused with the ripest and juiciest fruits, resulting in an easy to use, perfectly balanced infused tequila.

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